Ludo King

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Ludo King

Ludo King

Ludo King is an exciting multiplayer Ludo game. In this classic, get ready to face multiple opponents in real time or against the computer!

The first player's goal is to move all four of their pieces to the final triangle to win the game. Ludo can be played by two to four participants, each choosing one of the four available colors.

The game starts with each player rolling the dice in turn. To start moving a piece on the board, the player needs to roll a six. Once multiple pieces are in play, the player can choose which one they want to move.

  • The game starts with each player rolling the dice in turn.
  • To move a piece from the starting area to the starting point on the board, the player must roll a six.
  • After rolling a six and placing a tile at the starting point, the player can continue moving the same tile or another tile according to the numbers he rolls in subsequent turns.
  • If a player rolls a six, he is entitled to another roll.
  • If a player's piece lands on the exact same square as an opposing piece, the opposing piece is captured and returned to the starting area.
  • The player who captured it gets an extra turn.
  • To move a piece to the final triangle (also called the final square or safety corridor), the piece must go completely around the board and enter the path of the player's color.
  • A player must roll the exact number to move their piece to the final triangle.
  • The first player to move all four of their pieces to the final triangle wins the game.

Play with the left mouse button or click on the screen on mobile devices.