Bridge Card Game

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Bridge Card Game

Bridge Card Game

Bridge Card Game is a classic 4 player card game! Show off your reasoning and card skills and have fun!

The player on the other side of the table is your teammate. Try to play with your moves to get the most points!

Play with the left mouse button or click on the screen on mobile devices.

Try a counting strategy when bidding. A = 4, K = 3, Q = 2, J = 1, empty suits = 3,1 suits = 2 and 2 suits = 1.

If you have less than 13 points, don't bid! Always pass by!

With a balanced hand and 16-18 points, feel free to bet 1 on Trump.

If your hand is not eligible for this 1 NT bet and you have 13 or more points, open a bet with your strongest suit.