
by Onrizon
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Play Stop Online in our game collection! Stopots is a multiplayer game to have fun with different users from all over the world. In this challenge, a letter is drawn so that you can fill in the names of people, colors, animals and several other fun themes.

In addition, it is possible to create a personalized one so that you can include your friends. Show that you have more knowledge and beat all your opponents with multiplayer matches from Adedanha, Adedonha!

  • Choose your username and click play to face all your opponents
  • When creating a room in the game, you can include your preferences, number of rounds and players;
  • As soon as you share the room link with your friends, click start;
  • Fill in with words that start with the letter drawn and press “STOP!” to end the match
  • Check the answers to validate the score. If any word is incorrect, just click on it and then on the "Rate" button;
  • Once you check the ranking of the round, click on "I'm ready" so that you can generate the next letter.

Stopots was created by Onrizon.