Sonic Delta
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Sonic Delta
Sonic Delta is an incredible game about the legendary Sonic with several levels that were excluded and prototype elements from the classic Sonic the Hedgehog 2. The game has 37 levels and the number may be smaller depending on the character chosen.
Sonic Delta Next a combination of all the MD Sonic classics (Sonic 1. 2, 3 and Knuckles) in a single game.
Sonic Delta Levels
The order of the levels is shown directly in the newly implemented data selection menu:
- Green Hill Zone: Straight from Sonic 1!
- Emerald Hill Zone: Contains prototype layout elements, and Coconut badniks are replaced with scrapped Snail badniks.
- Winter Hill Zone: The graphics used are unlike any description ever given of the winter level, except the winter setting. There are trees present, but not Christmas trees. Additionally, no graphics from the (also scrapped) desert level, Dust Hill Zone, are reused; this differs from the official team's plans to be largely a palette swap (similar to what Emerald Hill Zone's Hill Top Zone is). The BGM and boss used are those from Sonic 1's Marble Zone.
- Wood Zone: The graphics are similar to those seen in the Simon Wai prototype. It uses a different BGM (2 player Emerald Hill Zone, but slower). It reuses the ARZ Boss.
- Dust Hill Zone: Uses graphics similar to the screenshot of the Dust Hill Zone mockup that was featured in many magazines. It's just a deserted scene. The BGM used is from Oil Ocean Zone, but slower. The Emerald Hill Zone boss is reused for this level with no changes.
- Chemical Factory Area: Small changes were made, such as loops with inclined corners, as in the prototype.
- Labyrinth Zone: From Sonic 1.
- Neo Green Hill Zone: ARZ from Sonic 2 with its prototype name and music.
- Starlight Zone: From Sonic 1.
- Casino Night Zone: As previously mentioned, it has been reverted to its beta form.
- Marble Zone: From Sonic 1.
- Upper area of the hill
- Spring Yard Zone: From Sonic 1.
- Mystic Cave Zone
- Hidden Palace Zone: The graphics and layout are the same as those found in the Nick Arcade prototype. The BGM used is the same one that was used in the final version of Sonic 2. An elevator can be found on the long ramp; this was not used in the Nick Arcade prototype. The boss from the previous zone is repeated in this zone.
- Oil Ocean Zone – 'beta style', with different music and the rideable balls found in the betas.
- Metropolis Zone
- Genocide City Zone: The Oil Ocean Zone background graphics are reused, but in a nighttime setting. The foreground also reuses graphics from the Chemical Plant Zone. Despite having 2 acts, there is no act marker on the title card. Water can be found in Act 2. The Chemical Factory Zone boss is reused here.
- Junk Brain Zone: From Sonic 1.
- Final Zone: Also from Sonic 1.
- Sky Fortress Zone
- Heavenly Pursuit Zone
- Death Egg Zone: A little different in this: A. You get 3 taps to start the zone and B. The music is from the beta.
How to play Sonic Delta
- Arrows: move
- Space: skip
- S, Z, X: use power