Offroad Mania

by Active Games
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Offroad Mania

Offroad Mania

Get ready to drive 4x4 jeeps through various ways and exciting tracks in Offroad Mania! Based on the physics category have fun off-road games with various challenges. There are 120 incredible levels with dangerous trails full of rocks, trees, bridges, trampolines and more.

In Offroad Mania pick up to 5 powerful 4x4 jeeps and be very careful with speed so you can get to the finish line safely without tipping over or falling into the holes. Collect all the gold figurines to get the best ranking score!


  • WASD or Arrows: To drive or start game
  • C: change view
  • A: restart phase
  • Mouse: rotate the camera


Offroad Mania was created by Active Games.