Luffy Vs Naruto

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Luffy Vs Naruto

Luffy Vs Naruto

Luffy, the fearless protagonist of One Piece, and the mighty ninja Naruto are in the midst of a battle to determine who is the ultimate character in terms of strength!

Upon receiving news of this exciting dispute, Goku and Ichigo chose to join this legendary battle, rich in superhuman abilities! Take your pick from the available heroes and dive right in, whether you're taking on the AI or challenging another skilled player.

[Player 1]

  • WASD: move
  • J: attack
  • K: jump
  • U: special

[Player 2]

  • arrows: move
  • 1: attack (on a pad)
  • 2: Jump (on a pad)
  • 4: Special (Num Pad)