American Block Sniper Online

by Kiz10
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American Block Sniper Online

American Block Sniper Online

American Block Sniper Online is an exciting shooting and adventure game! With characters inspired by the famous American-themed Minecraft, your challenge is to face a series of opponents along the way.

There are several stages available to unlock with a gigantic arsenal of weapons. American Block Sniper Online is a first-person action game in the world of Minecraft, where you must defeat all the enemies in each level before time runs out. Good luck!

  • WASD to walk
  • Mouse to look around
  • Left mouse button to shoot
  • Right mouse button to aim
  • Mouse wheel to change weapons G for grenades
  • R to reload
  • F to pick up items
  • Left Shift to run
  • Left CTRL to crouch
  • X to lie down
  • Space to jump