
by Paco Games
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Granny is a first person horror game and you can play it completely online in our collection! Your objective is to survive in a big, horrifying house to which you are trapped.

An elderly lady who is a murderer and a psychopath is in the house behind you and you need to hide! Collect all useful objects from the rooms of the house to protect your life and try to escape from this haunted house before it is too late.

Be very careful not to drop anything on the floor. She hears everything and can catch you at any time. If she comes after you, you can hide in closets and under your bed.

You only have 5 days to try to get out of the house and survive. Good luck!

  • W, A, S, D: move
  • E: action
  • O: drop
  • C: crouch
  • H: hide