Tank Wars

by ISS Game Studio
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Tank Wars

Tank Wars

Tank Wars is an exciting arcade and battle game! Your goal is to choose one of 4 challenging paths to fame. Fight across 120 polygons alone or with your best friend to win, or create your own 990 battlefields.

Attack and destroy enemy armored vehicles to achieve the main objective – victory. Your opponents are well armed, so try to use both terrain, such as camouflage and protection, and battlefield bonuses that will help improve weapons, turn enemies into wreckage or water into ice for transport.

PC Controls: Single player game Movement: Arrows and W,A,S,D Shooting: Spacebar Two player game Player 1: Movement: W,A,S,D; Shoot: Spacebar; Player 2: Movement: Arrow keys; Shoot: Num 0.

Mobile Controls: Touch Control works on all browsers and mobile devices!

Cheat Codes: The cheat code panel is activated when you click on the player base! 11131 – Player 1 God Mode; 12131 – Player 2 God Mode; 11211 – Player 1 Type 4 Tank; 12211 – Player 2 Type 4 Tank; 11331 – Player 1 99 lives; 12331 – Player 2 99 lives; 23133 – Kill all enemies; 12232 – Get bonuses; 21122 – Steel Base; 22132 – Enemies sleep; 33322 – Disable cheats.