Darwinism Game

by PlaytoMax
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Darwinism Game

Darwinism Game

Move organisms towards their matching pairs to advance to the next stage of evolution. This puzzle game based on the concept of Darwin's theory of evolution called 2048 Evolution is scientifically engaging! You start with a tiny microbe and continue to progress through the stages of evolution until you become an adult human. While real evolution doesn't work that way, in the context of this game it does.

The concept of this puzzle is simple: you slide matching organisms together in a 4x4 grid. After each move, a new organism is added to the grid. As you slide the organisms, they move to the end of the grid along with the others. Your goal is to match matching organisms, preventing all 16 squares from being filled with nearby organisms that cannot be matched.

Keep matching until you evolve all organisms into their final form: a sophisticated human. Your current score is displayed at the top of the game, along with your best score. When you're done, you can play again to beat your high score, or go to the menu and choose challenges with varying objectives to accomplish.

Use the mouse to slide the pieces together. On mobile, use your finger to slide the blocks together. Options at the bottom of the game allow you to go back to the homepage, pause and turn off the sound. Click on the "?" for tips on which creatures you should create.